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作者:王菲斐来源:百奥明时间:2014-11-06 15:18点击:次
World Nutrition Forum 2014: Dramatic change needed for sustainability 百奥明2014世界营养论坛: 巨大变革,方能可持续性发展 More than 800 top minds from academy, business and the NGO sectors gathered to discuss the future of animal production and sustain:ability at the BIOMIN-sponsored World Nutrition Forum 2014 in Munich 在德国慕尼黑举办的百奥明2014世界营养论坛上,来自学术界、商业界及非政府组织机构的800多位精英汇聚一堂,共同探讨动物生产和可持续发展的未来。 The 6th World Nutrition Forum ended two full days of stimulating sessions with plenty of food-for-thought on issues of sustain:ability across a range of topics—from the animal sciences to management, economics and philosophy. 为期两天的第六届世界营养论坛圆满结束。本次会议上,与会者探讨了一系列关于可持续发展的话题,从畜牧学到畜牧管理、畜牧经济和畜牧经营理念,引人深思。 Jorgen Randers, author of the famed “Limits to Growth” model in 1972, opened the Forum on 16 October with his latest views on the state of world affairs as detailed in his 2012 publication “2052-A global forecast for the next forty years”. Jorgen Randers,提出《增长的极限》模型的作者(该著作发表于1972年),在10月16日举行的第六届世界营养论坛开幕式上,发表了自己对于国际事务状态的最新观点。该观点在其2012年出版的丛书《2052:未来40年全球展望》中有具体阐述。 Describing himself as a “depressed man with a smiling face”, Randers, a professor at the Norwegian Business School, predicted a world heading in the direction of declining population and GDP growth, a shrinking global middle class, widening rich-poor gap, and potential climate catastrophe. He stated that “dramatic change is needed if we want to move in the direction of sustainability”. Randers是挪威商学院的教授,他说自己是带着微笑的忧郁。Randers预言,世界正朝着人口数量下降和GDP增速减缓的趋势发展。与此同时,全球中产阶级数量也在缩小,贫富差距变大,还可能面临气候灾难。他表示,“若要继续保持可持续发展,我们必须进行重大变革。” To circumvent this outcome, Marty Matlock of the University of Arkansas stressed: “If we want to preserve biodiversity and other land-based ecosystems, we must freeze the footprint of agriculture”. He added that sustain:ability should be about continuous improvement and building resilience in a system through key performance indicators or KPIs. 为了防止Randers的预言成真,来自美国阿肯色大学的Marty Matlock表示,“如果要维持生物多样性和其他陆地生态系统,我们必须停止毁林开垦。”他还表示,可持续发展能力指的是通过关键绩效指标(KPI)实现一个系统的持续改进和培养适应力。 Managing complexity was the theme of the opening address on 17 October. In a thought-provoking presentation citing varied literature on organizational complexity, BIOMIN founder Erich Erber shared how organizations could master this trend by fostering a culture of empowerment and trust, leading by KPIs, and creating an environment where honest feedback is encouraged and heeded. 10月17日的开幕致辞都围绕着“管理复杂性”这个主题。百奥明公司创始人Erich Erber作了演讲,令人深思。在演讲过程中,他引用了各种关于组织层面复杂问题的资料。他和大家分享了各种组织是如何在KPI的基础上通过授权与信任来把控这一趋势,创造一个鼓励和强调真实反馈的氛围。 In the species break-out sessions, speakers from each of the four livestock sectors shared how the use of technology, more efficient feed formulation, healthy profits and environmental issues determined the future sustain:ability of animal production. The mycotoxins session chaired by Gerd Schatzmayr saw some of the top researchers in mycotoxins research presenting topics on different mycotoxin determination methods, effects of mycotoxins on gut integrity and the immune system, and new insights on the trichothecene deoxynivalenol or DON. 在物种分组讨论中,四位来自畜牧业的代表都分别作了演讲,分享了科技的使用、更有效的饲料配方、可观的利润和环境问题对未来动物生产的可持续发展能力会造成怎样的影响。在Gerd Schatzmayr主持的霉菌毒素分组讨论中,一些专门从事霉菌毒素研究的顶尖专家发表了演讲,主题包括:不同的霉菌毒素测定方法、霉菌毒素对肠道完整性和免疫系统的影响、以及呕吐霉素(DON)的新视点。 Rounding up the theme of sustain:ability was Tim Jones of Future Agenda, UK who pointed to education, especially of females in developing countries, as the key to unlocking the potential of the planet. Echoing the importance of education, Jason Clay of the WWF stressed that “it’s not about what to think but how to think”. Such creative knowledge will be necessary for sustainable initiatives and reclaiming back the carrying capacity resource base of the planet, he stressed. 来自英国的Tim Jones,以“未来议程”为题,对“可持续发展能力”这个主题进行总结性发言。他指出,教育,尤其是发展中国家的女性教育,是我们挖掘潜力的一大关键。世界自然基金会的Jason Clay,也同样指出了教育的重要性。他强调,“关键不在于思考什么,而在于如何思考”。他还强调,可持续发展以及让地球的资源基础能重新具有承载能力都将需要这样的创新思想。
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