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引领霉菌毒素风险管理,百奥明 脱毒剂25年历程

作者:佚名来源:百奥明时间:2016-10-25 10:28点击:

  03October 2016 – BIOMIN has announced the 25th anniversary of the launch of Mycofix®, the leading mycotoxindeactivating feedadditive, initially introduced in 1991.




  “It’s amazing to think that some customers have been using Mycofix® for 25 years. Clients in more than 100 countries recognize Mycofix® as the most effective and innovative product of its kind. It speaks to longstanding client relationships built on science, service and speed,” remarked Erich Erber, BIOMIN Founder and President of the Supervisory Board of Erber Group, of which BIOMIN is a part. 

  百奥明作为Erber集团的下属子公司,其创始人,Erber集团监理会主席 Erich Erber谈到,“难以置信有些客户已经应用百奥明®脱毒剂25年了,100多个国家的客户都认可百奥明®脱毒剂是最有效和创新的霉菌毒素处理产品。凭借科技、服务与研发速度我们与客户建立了长期稳定的合作关系。”


  “Mycofix® represents decades of scientific research on mycotoxin deactivation and combines the most cutting-edge mycotoxin mitigation strategies available anywhere,” said Ursula Hofstetter, Director Competence Center Mycotoxins at BIOMIN.

  百奥明霉菌毒素研发中心总监Ursula Hofstetter说,百奥明®脱毒剂融合最前沿霉菌毒素祛除策略,代表了十多年霉菌毒素脱毒科研的成果。


  Science first



  “Robust R&D efforts have always been a core component of the Mycofix® product line,” she explained. In 1988, the firm signed its first researchagreementon mycotoxindeactivation withthe University ofVeterinary Medicinein Vienna. Over time, further improvements and innovative ingredients that demobilize or degrade mycotoxins have been added.   

  “百奥明®脱毒剂系列产品的核心就是强大的研发”,Ursula Hofstetter解释道,1988年百奥明公司就与维也纳兽医学院签订了霉菌毒素脱毒产品研发协议,此后更多地改进与创新的将灭活或降解霉菌毒素的成分引入产品


  These efforts have cumulated in the development of technologies that biotransform mycotoxins into non-toxic substances, starting with Biomin® BBSH 797 to counteract trichothecenes. FUMzyme® —an ingredient in Mycofix® that detoxifies fumonisins— represents the most recent example of such strategies.

  研发成果汇集,霉菌毒素生物转化为无毒代谢物,始于Biomin® BBSH 797处理单端孢霉烯族毒素。FUMzyme®(烟曲霉毒素降解酶)是百奥明®脱毒剂中降解烟曲霉毒素的成分,代表了这些策略中最新的研发成果。


  The future of mycotoxin risk management



  Mycofix® now addresses a much broader range of mycotoxins than ever, making it an important tool for livestock and aquaculture producers throughout the world.Biotransformation will continue to play a key role in protecting animals.



  “Three decades of research and academic cooperation tells us that biotransformation is clearly the future of mycotoxin risk management. It’s targeted, irreversible and has a clear mode of action,” outlined Ms Hofstetter. “Also, it doesn’t take up much room in feed formulation. Unlike other methods, it directly addresses the root cause of health and performance issues —mycotoxins— and it’s the only way to successfully handle severe contamination levels.”



  Proven effectiveness



  Mycofix® contains the only EU authorized feed additives proven to adsorb harmful mycotoxins and to biotransform mycotoxins into nontoxic metabolites. Each ingredient has been evaluated in scientific and practical relevant field trials to assure effectiveness.




  This news item is relevant to poultry, swine, ruminants and aquaculture.


  For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release, contact pr@biomin.net or visit www.biomin.net.

  更多相关信息,请联系pr@biomin.net 或浏览www.biomin.net

  About BIOMIN

  At BIOMIN we harness the power of science to support animal health and performance. By applying state-of-the-art and proprietary technology we deliver natural, sustainable and profitable solutions to the livestock industry. For over 30 years we have pioneered innovative solutions for mycotoxin risk management and gut performance. Naturally ahead.




  Our in-house R&D program at the BIOMIN Research Center is staffed by over 100 scientific researchers and supported by eight Centers for Applied Animal Nutrition and a research network of 200 academic and research institutions globally. Our clients in the poultry, swine, cattle and aquaculture sectors are located in more than 100 countries worldwide.   



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引领霉菌毒素风险管理,百奥明 脱毒剂25引领霉菌毒素风险管理,百奥明 脱毒剂25
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